Alfreds Quiz 1
The following questions have been provided by Alfred from Germany, who writes: "I hope this quiz is not too "German" for your site". Well thanks Alfred, we'll leave the judging of just how German the quiz is to our visitors.
1. In Baku (Azerbaijan), the biggest football stadium is named Tofig Bakhramov Stadium, in honour of who?
2. True or false: More than half of the human beings that ever lived are alive today
3. Before becoming German federal president, who had a central role in a commercial for skin cream?
4. Name the following heroes from German ballads or folk songs (extra points for authors)
a: He was beaten-up by his wife and finally committed suicide by throwing himself in front of a train
b: He told his girlfriend that he was a railway employee and not a sailor; but this was not true
c: He rescued all passengers by steering a burning ferry onto the beach but was killed himself doing so
5. Which three nations played two football world cup finals and lost both?
6. At the World Cup in 1934, during the game Germany versus Austria, the first goal was scored in the first minute. Afterwards, the game was interrupted for more than 15 minutes. Why?
7. What happened in 1949, 1977, 1996 and 2007? (clue: a football question, solvable probably only for Germans)
8. The great-Uncle is a Swiss composer (his picture is on a Swiss banknote), the Grandnephew is a Canadian hockey star. What is their family name?
9. Which famous novel starts like this:
?I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them (...) had minded what they were about when they begot me?
10. The first official international football game took place in 1872, between Scotland and England. What was the final score?
a: 0:0
b: 6:0
c: 0:6
d: 3:3
1. The most (in)famous linesman in football history (Wembley 1966)
2. It is false; there are about 75 billion people dead and 6 billion alive
3. Theodor Heuss played in a radio commercial for Nivea cream in the 1930s 4. Three Answers: 5. Three Answers: 6. Both teams were playing in white shirts and black shorts. One team had to change 7. German national football coaches died (Nerz 1949, Herberger 1977, Sch?n 1996, Derwall 2007) 8. Honegger (Arthur and Doug) 9. Tristram Shandy 10. a: 0:0
a: Bolle ("Bolle reiste j?ngst zu Pfingsten") - unknown author
b: Surabaya Johnny - Bertolt Brecht
c: John Maynard - Theodor Fontane
Hungary (1938/1954),
Czechoslovakia (1934/1962),
Netherlands (1974/1978)