Pauls Beatles Quiz 1
In which Beatles song would you find the following people:
1. Mister Wilson
2. Henry the horse
3. Billy Shears
4. Lear
5. Edgar Allan Poe
6. Father McKenzie
7. Chairman Mao
8. Captain Marvel
9. Sir Walter Raleigh (git)
10. Mr. Jones (not Desmond)
11. The Duchess of Kirkcaldy
12. Rose and Valerie
13. Dennis O'Bell
14. Mother Mary
15. Loretta Martin
16. B.B. King
17. Peter Brown
18. Pam (not polythene)
19. Nancy Magill
20. Mother Superior
21. Hare Krishna
1. Taxman
2. Being for the benifit of Mr. Kite
3. Sergeant Pepper's lonely hearts club band
4. Paperback writer
5. I am the Walrus
6. Eleanor Rigby
7. Revolution
8. The continuing story of Bungalow Bill
9. I`m so tired
10. Yer Blues
11. Cry Baby Cry
12. Maxwells Silver Hammer
13. You know my name
14. Let it be
15. Get back
16. Dig it
17. The ballad of John and Yoko
18. Mean Mr. Mustard
19. Rocky Raccoon
20. Happiness is a warm gun
21. I am the Walrus or Give peace a chance