British Royals Quiz 1

Posted in people quizzes

1. How many times had Wallis Simpson been married before she married Edward VIII?

2. When she married in 1973 who was Princess Anne?s bridesmaid?

3. Which princes last three names are Charles Albert David?

4. What colour was the suit Diana Spencer wore in her engagement photograph in 1981?

5. What is the name of the Princess Royal?s second husband?

6. What was prince Phillips father called?

7. Which Scottish school did Prince Charles go to?

8. What did the Queen agree to pay for the first time in 1992?

9. Who created Princess Elizabeths wedding dress in 1947?

10. Who interviewed the Princess of Wales when on panorama?  


1. Twice

2. Lady sarah Armstrong Jones

3. Prince Harry (Henry)

4. Blue

5. Timothy Lawrence

6. Prince Andrew

7. Gordunston

8. Income tax

9. Norman Hartnell

10. Martin Bashir


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