Who Said It Quiz 3

Posted in people quizzes

The following quiz round was submitted by Alan Gurr from the UK. Alan is the host of a regular quiz night at Didcot Labour Club

Many thanks Alan, another very good round.

Famous quotes: who said the following?

1. "Hello, good evening, and welcome"

2. "Are you looking for a punch up the bracket?"

3. " Aw, don't embarrass me"

4. "Because it is there"

5. "Black is beautiful"

6. "Suck it and see"

7. "Pile it high, sell it cheap"

8. "Old soldiers never die, they simply fade away"

9. "Never change horses in mid-stream"

10. "Mr Big"

11. "If it ain't broke, why fix it?"

12. "I'll give you the results in reverse order"

13. "Life begins at forty"

14. " The British are coming!"

15. "Goodnight children, everywhere"


1. David Frost first coined this phrase in 'The Frost Programme'

2. Tony Hancock, in 'Hancocks Half Hour'

3. Lenny the Lion, with the help of ventriloquist Terry Hall

4. George Mallory, on being asked why he wanted to climb Mt Everest

5. Stokely Carmichael, at a civil rights rally in Memphis, in 1966

6. Charlie Naughton, of The Crazy Gang, the phrase just meant 'try it'

7. John Cohen, later, Sir John, founder of Tesco supermarkets, coined this phrase

8. General Douglas MacArthur

9. Abraham Lincoln, in 1864

10. Ian Fleming, in his novel 'Live and let die', referring to his character Buonaparte Ignace Gallia, hence Mr Big

11. Bert Lance, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, under President Jimmy Carter

12. Eric Morley, announcing the result of the Miss World competition

13. William B Pitkin, Professor of Journalism at Columbia University, in a 1932 book

14. Colin Welland, after collecting his Oscar, for the film 'Chariots of Fire'

15. Uncle Mac, alias Derek McCulloch, on BBC radio's 'Childrens Hour'


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