Science and Nature Quiz 12
1. Is the Object Glass the main lens at the front or the back of a refracting telescope?
2. Which metal is the main constituent of pewter?
3. What name is given to the orbit of an artificial communications satellite?
4. What is the more common name for aqua fortis or HNO3?
5. What is the natural habitat of an arboreal creature?
6. What name is given to the fruit of a rose bush?
7. By what name is the lower jawbone in vertebrates more correctly known?
8. If an animal were ruminating, what would it be doing?
9. Which animals' name literally means river horse?
10. By what initials do we more commonly know Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane?
11. What is another name for vitamin B2?
12. What name did medieval alchemists give to the imaginary substance which it believed could turn base metals into gold?
13. By what common household name and initials do we know trichlorophenylmethyliodosalicyl?
14. It was formerly known as Brimstone, what is it now called?
15. What is the name of the white crystalline alkaloid derived from opium?
16. By what name is the white crystalline powder diamorphine hydrochloride more commonly known?
17. Sometimes called Oil of Vitriol and found in your cars, what is it more commonly known as?
18. What is the more common name for Nitrous Oxide?
1. Front
2. Tin (91%)
3. Geosynchronous
4. Nitric Acid
5. Trees
6. A Hip
7. Mandible
8. Chewing The Cud
9. Hippopotamus
10. DDT
11. Riboflavin
12. The Philosophers Stone
13. Tcp
14. Sulphur
15. Morphine
16. Heroin
17. Sulphuric Acid
18. Laughing Gas