Sport Quiz 26

Posted in sports quizzes

The following quiz round was submitted by Michael Garthwaite from the UK. Michael runs a sports quiz every sunday at his local cricket club. Many thanks Michael, great job!

1. Which Welsh Rugby league club are based in Bridgend?

2. In 2000, Chester was relegated to the Conference, which club replaced them?

3. Who was the first British footballer to receive the Golden Boot?

4. How many Wimbledon singles titles did Martina Navratilova win?

5. At which sporting venue will you find ?the Jack Hobbs Gates??

6. Which sports playing area is 2.7 metres by 1.5 metres?

7. Which footballers autobiography was entitled ?1966 and All That??

8. In which sport would you compete for the ?Air Canada Silver Broom Trophy??

9. What number is the highest Dan in Judo?

10. Ian Rush held the record for scoring most goals in the League Cup with 49. 48 with Liverpool and 1 with which other club?

11. What does the T.T. stand for in The Isle of Man T.T. races?

12. How many players are there in a volleyball team?

13. What is the most common suffix for English football League teams?

14. Which international footballer managed HULL CITY from April 2002 till Oct 2002?

15. In which sport can the two goals be different sizes?

16. In which country will the 2014 football World cup be held?

17. At which type of race do you not cross the finishing line?

18. Who was the first British athlete to win Olympic Gold in a throwing event?

19. Which is the only horse to win the English, Scottish and Welsh Grand Nationals?

20. Which club has won the European Cup more times than it has won its domestic League championship?


1. Celtic Crusaders

2. Kidderminster Harriers

3. Ian Rush

4. Nine

5. The Oval

6. Table Tennis

7. Geoff Hurst

8. Curling

9. 12th

10. Newcastle United

11. Tourist Trophy (Corrected see comments)

12. Six

13. City with 14

14. Jan Molby

15. Water Polo

16. Brazil

17. Swimming

18. Tessa Sanderson

19. Earth Summit

20. Notts Forest


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