Two for One Quiz 2

Posted in word play quizzes

The following quiz round was submitted by Alan MacDonald from the UK.  Many thanks again Alan, a great round!

The answer to the second part of the question is an anagram the to answer of the first

1. Any one of the floor levels in a high-rise building / A popular edible bi-valve mollusc

2. A piece of sports equipment used in the Highland Games / Something used to correct tooth growth

3. Name given to the rise at the back of a saddle / British medical journal, published weekly since 1823

4. The horse that won a 3rd Cheltenham Gold Cup in 1966 / Surname of the founder of Skytrain - cheap European flights

5. A sweet the Italians call "zuppa inglese" / A device to remove something from anything that passes through it

6. The premier Italian city associated with violin making / Alternative spelling of the most northerly Balearic island

7. What Ken, the doll Barbie's boyfriend lacked / The act of taking something from someone illegally

8. The name of the American politician whose wife's name is Tipper / Honor Blackman's character's surname in a Bond film

9. One of the 4 languages of Switzerland / Regal personnel

10. Surnames of (a) A famous American actress / (b) The scorer of a goal for England in the 1966 World Cup


1. Storey / Oyster

2. Caber / Brace

3. Cantle / Lancet

4. Arkle / Laker

5. Trifle / Filter

6. Cremona / Menorca

7. Genitals / Stealing

8. Al Gore / Galore

9. Romansch / Monarchs

10. Streep / Peters


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