Threes a Crowd Quiz 2

Posted in word play quizzes

1. Name the three countries in the world that begin with the letter j

2. Name the two countries in the world that begin with the letter z

3. Which word is connected by the three clues triangle, river and the letter d

4. Which word is connected by messenger, queen and telephone?

5. Which DIY object do the words pipe, monkey and ratchet describe?

6. Which DIY object do the words thumb, lock and hexagonal describe?

7. Apart from the UK, which 3 other countries in Europe keep Greenwich mean time?

8. The Mary rose was raised, Fagan entered the queen's bedroom and Spain called off the 12 year siege of Gibraltar in which year?

9. Actual or assassination attempts were made on Ronald Reagan, the pope and Anwar Sadat in which year?

10. Who were the watch with mother title characters who comprised a girl, a dog and a mouse?  


1. Jamaica, Japan, Jordan

2. Zimbabwe, Zambia

3. Delta

4. Mercury

5. Wrench

6. Nut

7. Ireland, Portugal, Iceland

8. 1982

9. 1981

10. Mary, Mungo and Midge


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