Alphabetical Quiz 11
The following quiz round was submitted by Ted Smith from the UK. Many thanks Ted, a great idea.
The idea is that all the answers to the following questions follow each other in alphabetical order.
1. What breed of dog has a blue tongue?
2. Who won Best Actress Oscar in 1966 film Darling?
3. What are the playing period in Polo called?
4. Whose beers are sold in the Queen Vic in Eastenders?
5. What strikes a bell to make it ring?
6. Which pop guitarist is known as Slowhand?
7. What was the name of the cross-eyed lion in Daktari?
8. Which Science Fiction author helped to develop Radar?
9. What are the targets in skeet or trap shooting made of?
10. What ancient queen married two of her own brothers?
11. What is a male swan called?
12. Who invented The Hovercraft?
13. What blood sport originated the word "crestfallen"?
14. What was Buffalo Bill's surname?
15. What is the basic flavouring of Kahlua?
16. Who wrote the steamy novel Hollywood Wives?
17. Bogota is the capital of which country?
18. In The Dukes of Hazzard, what is the name of the sheriff?
19. What was the name of the first Space Shuttle?
20. What was Lady Chatterley's first name?
21. What is the highest mountain in New Zealand?
22. Who won Best Actor Oscar in 1941 as US hero Sergeant York?
23. In what city's harbour is The Little Mermaid?
24. What Boxer's nickname was Gentleman Jim?
25. What science deals with structure & origin of Universe?
26. What plant is attacked by the Boll Weevil?
27. Who (supposedly) invented the Flush Toilet?
28. In A Christmas Carol, what is the surname of Tiny Tim?
29. Who was the star of Highway Patrol?
30. Which is the largest of the Greek Islands?
31. What TV game was based on Noughts and Crosses?
32. What African animal kills the most people?
33. In what game are the balls Red, Blue, Black and Yellow?
34. What does a Cruciverbalist enjoy doing?
35. Who became the 1st ?1m soccer player in 1973?
36. What song was a hit for Sam Cooke in 1961 & Johnny Nash in 1969?
37. Which Government Department collects VAT?
38. Which brand of whisky has a tea-clipper on its label?
39. What sport takes place in a Velodrome?
40. What country did the Russians invade in 1968?
1. Chow
2. Julie Christie
3. Chukkas
4. Churchills
5. The Clapper
6. Eric Clapton
7. Clarence
8. Arthur C Clarke
9. Clay
10. Cleopatra
11. Cob
12. Chris Cockerill
13. Cockfighting
14. Cody
15. Coffee
16. Jackie Collins
17. Colombia
18. Roscoe P Coltrane
19. Columbia
20. Constance/Connie
21. Mount Cook
22. Gary Cooper
23. Copenhagen
24. James J Corbett
25. Cosmology
26. Cotton plant
27. Thomas Crapper
28. Cratchit
29. Broderick Crawford
30. Crete
31. Criss Cross Quiz
32. Crocodile
33. Croquet
34. Crosswords
35. Johan Cruyff
36. Cupid
37. Customs & Excise
38. Cutty Sark
39. Cycling
40. Czechoslovakia