Alphabetical Quiz 52
The following quiz round was submitted by Ted Smith from the UK. Many thanks Ted, a great idea.
The idea is that all the answers to the following questions follow each other in alphabetical order.
1. Believed to have formed part of the Temple of Solomon, by what other name is Jerusalem's Western Wall more usually known?
2. Who wrote the novel "Ben Hur"?
3. A plant, originally from the Canary Isles, but very common in English gardens?
4. A language in Belgium?
5. In 'The Last of the Summer Wine' what was Nora's husband called?
6. Who had a hit with Rocky Mountain Way
7. In which novel does Leo Tolstoy describe a Russian wolf hunt using borzois
8. First iron hulled battleship, now on display in Portsmouth?
9. The Eastern bloc countries signed which famous ‘pact’ in 1955?
10. Benign epidermal proliferations
11. Who had a hit with Unforgettable
12. What was added to rum to make grog?
13. From which London station do trains direct to the continent through the Channel Tunnel leave?
14. Who starred in both Minder and Stay Lucky
15. Who was the last Irish driver to win the British Grand Prix?(1981)
16. Who had a No 2 in 1984 with ‘It’s Raining Men’’?
17. Which cereal manufacturer makes Alpen?
18. What is the name of the small beetle that destroys grain
19. A term used in weaving for fibres that go across the width of the loom?
20. Dam across a river?
21. What is the name of the main character in The Perishers?
22. Who wrote ‘The First Men In The Moon’?
23. What is a lycanthrope
24. Into which river did the Pied Piper lead the rats?
25. Who is credited as being the most prolific writer of hymns?
26. Which two infamous people lived at 25 Cromwell Street, Gloucester?
27. "Well, it's not the men in your life that counts, it's the life in your men." – which film star said that?
28. Sir David Brand was the Premier of which state from 1959-71?
29. On Pulp’s TV debut, on Top of the Pops, Jarvis Cocker’s t-shirt was embodying a slogan that he hated which group?
30. Who had a hit with Young Guns
31. Who wrote the book “The Devil Rides Out”?
32. Little Miss Muffett ate it with her curds
33. In which London borough did Jack the Ripper perform his infamous murders?
34. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
35. Which company owned the ill-fated Titanic?
36. Lord Mayor of London in 1397,1406 and 1419
37. Who had a hit with Won't Get Fooled Again
38. The town from where the Rugby League club, the Warriors come?
39. Who sung the immortal “As Time Goes By” from Casablanca?
40. Which fast food chain opened its first UK outlet in London in 1954?
41. What type of building has sails?
42. Where Henry VIII is buried?
43. In which children’s book would you find an Effalump
44. American state, with Madison as its capital?
45. What was the name of the Cook in the TV series Rawhide?
46. Nordic God of Wednesday
47. Who had a hit with Lights Out
48. The first name of the composer Mozart?
49. They brought 'Mowgli' up as a child?
50. A Chinese dumpling, usually found in a soup of the same name?
51. Catch phrase was “Walkies”?
52. Who played the leader of a gang of dustman in the BBC series Common As Muck?
53. Which British nanny was tried in the US for the murder of a baby?
54. In Star Wars, what sort of creature is Chewbacca?
55. Which English county is last, if listed alphabetically?
56. What was the title of Boyzones first UK number one hit single?
57. Herb from the sunflower family
58. Who was responsible for rebuilding St Paul’s Cathedral after the Great Fire of London?
59. Who had a No 1 with I’ve Got A Brand New Combine Harvester
60. Which famous country singer, now dead, was kidnapped in 1979?
1. Wailing Wall
2. Lew Wallace
3. Wallflower
4. Walloon
5. Wally
6. Walsh, Joe
7. War and Peace
8. Warrior
9. Warsaw Pact
10. Warts
11. Washington, Dinah
12. Water
13. Waterloo
14. Denis Waterman
15. John Watson
16. Weather Girls
17. Weetabix
18. Weevil
19. Weft
20. Weir
21. Wellington
22. H G Wells
23. Werewolf
24. Weser
25. Charles Wesley
26. West Fred & Rose
27. Mae West
28. Western Australia
29. Wet Wet Wet
30. Wham
31. Wheatley Denis
32. Whey
33. White Chapel
34. White House
35. White Star Line
36. Whittington
37. Who, The
38. Wigan
39. Dooley Wilson
40. Wimpy
41. A Windmill
42. Windsor Castle
43. Winnie the Pooh
44. Wisconsin
45. Wishbone
46. Woden
47. Wolf,Peter
48. Wolfgang
49. Wolves
50. Won Ton
51. Barbara Woodhouse
52. Edward Woodward
53. Louise Woodward
54. A Wookie
55. Worcestershire
56. Words
57. Wormseed
58. Sir Christopher Wren
59. Wurzels
60. Tammy Wynette