Alphabetical Quiz 54
The following quiz round was submitted by Ted Smith from the UK. Many thanks Ted, a great idea.
The idea is that all the answers to the following questions follow each other in alphabetical order.
1. Green woodpecker
2. A game played with 5 dice?
3. An American University?
4. Where was there a wartime conference of the Allied leaders
5. Similar to a sweet potato with large edible root
6. What is the capital of Cote d'Ivoire/Ivory Coast?
7. Which two Chinese rivers are in the top 10 of the world's longest rivers?
8. What do you call a bet on 4 races simultaneously?
9. Who had a hit with Eat It
10. Who had a hit with For Your Love
11. A car made by Toyota?
12. In Norfolk and also on the Isle of Wight?
13. A herb, often found on waste ground?
14. Which character did Clint Eastwood play in the TV series 'Rawhide'?
15. A small 2 masted sailing ship?
16. Who had a 1988 No 1 with The Only Way is Up?
17. Flag which signifies a diseased ship?
18. Tropical disease
19. Which sea lies between NE China and Korea’s West Coast?
20. Which cartoon film takes place in Pepperland?
21. Aden is the capital of where
22. The currency of Japan
23. What was the name of the Sorcerer in Fantasia?
24. What is the official name of the Beefeaters?
25. Which football club plays at Huish Park?
26. From which wood were longbows traditionally made?
27. What is the central feature of the South Korean flag?
28. Form of singing by changing to a falsetto voice
29. A piece of wood joining two animals?
30. A country bumpkin
31. What is the name of the 1973 war when Egypt attacked Israel
32. Who was the jester in the Danish court (Shakespeare)
33. Ripon is the tourist centre for which national park?
34. Recorded a famous LP called Harvest?
35. Every time You Go Away was a no 1 hit for whom?
36. Which song begins "It’s a little bit funny, this feeling inside"?
37. What completes the title of Chic’s "Dance, Dance, Dance"?
38. A famous peninsula in Mexico?
39. New Mexico’s state flower – having long spiny leaves and greeny-white flowers?
40. Which company makes Opium?
1. Yaffle
2. Yahtzee
3. Yale
4. Yalta
5. yam
6. Yamoussoukro
7. Yangtze, Yellow
8. Yankee
9. Weird Al Yankovic,
10. Yardbirds
11. Yaris
12. Yarmouth
13. Yarrow
14. Rowdy Yates
15. Yawl
16. Yazz
17. Yellow
18. Yellow fever
19. Yellow Sea
20. Yellow Submarine
21. Yemen
22. Yen
23. Yensid
24. Yeomen of the Guard
25. Yeovil Town
26. Yew
27. Yin Yang Symbol
28. Yodel
29. Yoke
30. Yokel
31. Yom Kippur War
32. Yorick
33. Yorkshire Dales
34. Neil Young
35. Paul Young
36. Your Song Elton John
37. Yowsah Yowsah Yowsah
38. Yucatan
39. Yucca
40. Yves Saint Laurent