Literature Quiz 5

Posted in art and literature quizzes

1. Which Roddy Doyle best-seller won the Booker Prize in 1993?

2. What was Audrey Eyton's best selling book of the 1980s?

3. In which county was Jane Austin born?

4. What is a bibliophile?

5. What colour are the French Michelin guides?

6. Who wrote the Godfather?

7. Who also writes as Barbara Vine?

8. Which famous author who died in 1998 was born in County Durham?

9. What did UNESCO mean when they ruled 49 in 1950?

10. Who wrote the top six books that were borrowed from public libraries last year?  


1. Paddy Clarke Ha ha ha

2. The F-Plan Diet

3. Hampshire

4. A lover of books

5. Red

6. Mario Puzo

7. Ruth Rendell

8. Catherine Cookson

9. The number of pages excluding covers for it to be defined a book

10. Catherine Cookson


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