12th October Quiz

Posted in calendar quizzes

1) Born on this day Edward VI in 1537, son of Henry VIII and which of his wives?

2) Born on this day 1929 Magnus Magnusson in which country?

3) Born on this day 1944 which former English Television newsreader and one time Morcambe and Wise star?

4) Died on this day 1870 Robert Lee, for which side did he fight during the civil war?

5) Died on this day 1915 Edith Cavell, at the hands of the Germans, what was her occupation?

6) Died on this day 1964 which English spy novelist?

7) On this day 1609, published in London what is believed to be the earliest printed secular song, what?

8) On this day 1901 The executive Mansion was renamed as what?

9) On this day 1948 what car first rolled off the production lines at Cowley Oxfordshire?

10) On this day in which year did the IRA plant a bomb which blew up the Brighton Grand Hotel?  


1) Jane Seymore

2) Iceland

3) Angela Rippon

4) Confederates

5) Nurse

6) Ian Fleming

7) 3 Blind Mice

8) The White House

9) Morris Minor

10) 1984  


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