29th March Quiz

Posted in calendar quizzes

1) Born on this day 1790 John Tyler, what was the highest position in office he achieved?

2) Born on this day 1945 Julie Goodyear, which role did she play in Coronation Street?

3) Born on this day 1935, the Irish singer whose name is Cockney Rhyming slang for a curry and who is the only female artist to have 5 songs in the top 20 at any one time, who?

4) Born on this day 1869, the English architect who designed Whitehall and the Cenotaph, who?

5) Died on this day 1788, Charles Wesley, which religion did he found?

6) Died on this day 1912 Antarctic explorer Robert Scott, what was his middle name?

7) Died on this day 1970 Vera Brittan, the English author, who is her well-known daughter?

8) On this day 1886 what product was launched with the slogan ?Esteemed Brain tonic and Intellectual Beverage??

9) On this day 1920 Sir William Robertson became a Field Marshall, what was special about this appointment?

10) On this day 1974, US mariner 10 took close up photographs of which planet for the first time?  


1) US President

2) Bet Gilroy / Lynch

3) Ruby Murray

4) Edward Lutyens

5) Methodism

6) Falcon

7) Shirley Williams

8) Coca Cola

9) First to achieve this rank from entering the services as a private

10) Mercury  


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