21st September Quiz

Posted in calendar quizzes

1) Born on this day 1866 The author of The Time Machine and War of the Worlds, HG Wells, what do letters HG stand for?

2) Born on this day 1874, the composer of the planet suite, who?

3) Born on this day in which decade Radio DJ Jimmy Young?

4) Born on this day 1931 the villainous son of actress Mary Martin, who?

5) Died on this day 19BC, Virgil, as what is he best remembered?

6) On this day 1327, Edward II was murdered in the dungeon of Berkeley castle, how?

7) On this day 1745 who along with his Jacobite army defeated the English at the battle of Prestonpans?

8) On this day 1915 which famous plot of land, 30 acres in size was sold for ?6600, 3 years later the land being given to the public?

9) Born on this day 1902 Sir Learie Nicholas Constantine, for which sport was he famous?

10) On this day 1987, who became the first royal to be banned for speeding, caught doing 98mph on the M4?  


1) Herbert George

2) Gustav Holst

3) 1920?s (1923)

4) Larry Hagman

5) Poet

6) Red Hot Poker up the do dah

7) Bonnie Prince Charlie

8) Stonehenge

9) Cricket

10) Viscount Linley  


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