26th February Quiz
1) Born this day 1802 the author of Les Miserables, who?
2) Born on this day 1947 the first English Singer to win the Eurovision Song Contest, what was the song?
3) Which former Israeli Prime Minister Died on this day 1969?
4) What unit of currency did the bank of England first issue On this day 1797?
5) What horse race was first run On this day 1839, the winner being Lottery?
6) On this day 1901 the leaders of the Boxer Rebellion were beheaded in public, but in which country?
7) On this day the 1936, the people?s car was launched by Hitler, who designed it?
8) On this day 1951 the 22nd Amendment was passed in the USA, this reduced the number of terms a president could stay in office to how many?
9) On this day 1959 Sir Edgar Whitehead declared a state of Emergency in which country?
10) On this day 1983 who became the first footballer to take part in 1000 first class matches in the English League?
1) Victor Hugo
2) Puppet on a String
3) Levi Eshkol
4) ?1 note
5) Grand National
6) China
7) Ferdinand Porsche
8) 2 terms
9) Southern Rhodesia
10) Pat Jennings