Christmas Objects Cryptic Quiz 1

Posted in christmas quizzes

The following quiz was submitted by Stokie from the UK. Many thanks Skokie, great job

The following are cryptic clues to objects found around the home at Christmas.

More Christmas Quizzes ?

Christmas Quiz Questions1. Appointments?

2. Dad's a barber?

3. Crazy?

4. Make a pig of yourself when you find them?

5. The orange song?

6. A pleasure in Ankara?

7. Vision for cockney?

8. Type that goes on your head?

9. Second visitor in a Christmas Carol?

10. Opposite a French stick?


1. Dates

2. Parsnips

3. Nuts

4. Truffles

5. Tangerine

6. Turkish delight

7. Mince pies

8. Pork Pie

9. Christmas present

10. Shortbread


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