Christmas Quiz 9

Posted in christmas quizzes

Christmas Quiz Questions1. Which Carol contains the words "Be near me Lord Jesus; I ask thee to stay Close by me for ever and love me I pray"?

2. True or false: There are no records of Joseph speaking in the Christmas Story?

3. Which actor whilst out Christmas shopping suddenly finds himself an "Enemy of the State" in the 1998 film of the same name?

4. Which 1987 action/comedy opens to the music of "Jingle Bell Rock"

5. What Carol contains a chorus that begins "The rising of the sun, and the running of the deer"?

6. True or false: Joseph married Mary immediately after the angel appeared to him?

7. What are the ‘Two Little Boys’ called in Rolf Harris's 1969 Christmas No 1

8. Which song begins with "Are you hanging up your stocking on the wall"?

9. Who wrote the book that inspired the 1983 animated film "The Snowman"?

10. Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in the Film "Jingle all the way", what year was it released?

11. What was Brenda Lee doing around the Christmas tree in 1958?

12. In which city was Kevin lost during Christmas in ‘Home Alone 2’?

13. Traditionally, after kissing someone under the mistletoe, what should you then remove?

14. Name the 3 of Santa’s reindeer that start with the letter D

15. Which Christmas item was invented by Tom Smith in 1847


1. Away in a Manger

2. True

3. Will Smith

4. Lethal Weapon

5. The Holly and the Ivy

6. True, in Matthew 1:24

7. Joe & Jack

8. Slade's Merry Christmas Everybody

9. Raymond Briggs

10. 1996

11. Rocking

12. New York

13. One Of The Berries (For Good Luck)

14. Donner; Dancer; Dasher

15. Christmas Cracker


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