Connections Quiz 3

Posted in connections quizzes

1. In 1999 Michael J Fox provided the voice for which screen rodent?

2. Which group sang about whiskey in the jar?

3. What do the initials BFG stand for in the title of Roald Dahl?s novel?

4. Which 95 film set in Vegas co-starred John Travolta, Gene Hackman, Danny Devito and Renee Russo?

5. In show business how are Cyril Mead and Edward McGuinness better known?

6. How was wrestler Luke McMasters better known?

7. Which classic film starred Humphrey Bogart as Phillip Marlow and Lauren Bacall as Vivien?

8. Who got to No.1 in 1967 with the song ?Let the Heartaches Begin??

9. What is the state capital of Arkansas?

10. What is the connection between the last nine answers?


1. Stuart LITTLE

2. THIN Lizzy

3. BIG Friendly GIANT



6. GIANT Haystacks

7. The BIG Sleep

8. LONG John Baldry

9. LITTLE Rock

10. Sizes


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