Wine Quiz 1
1. Which European Country Has The Largest Area Growing Vines?
2. On A German Wine Label What Would Trocken Mean?
3. Which Country Is The Largest Wine Producer In South America?
4. Where In The Usa Is The Sonoma Wine Growing Region?
5. What Name Is Given To A Pink Wine?
6. Name Given To The Biggest Selling Australian Wine in the UK?
7. What Colour Wine Is Produced By Merlot Grape Skins?
8. When Is A Sautertne Wine Traditionally Served With A Meal?
9. If A Better Wine Is To Be Produced Is It Aged In Old Or New Oak Barrels?
10. Kristal & Krug Examples Of Which Wine?
11. What type of wine is Sauternes?
12. What country consumes most wine, per capita?
13. From which town does port take its name?
1. Spain
2. Dry
3. Argentina
4. California
5. Rose
6. Jacobs Creek
7. Red
8. Desert
9. New
10. Champagne
11. Sweet, white and French
12. Italy
13. Oporto