Chocolate Quiz 1
The following quiz round was submitted by Lynne Boston from the UK. Many thanks Lynne, another fantastic round.
Hidden in each question is the name of a chocolate based confection or assortment. See how many you can find.
1. Definitely not before 20.01hrs
2. Mother?s hostelry, perhaps
3. Voodoo in a box
4. Cow juice container
5. Song from ?Fiddler on the Roof?
6. Floral items, could be climbing or tea
7. Single snowy deposit
8. This becomes you, according to the song
9. The ?E? is missing from this pet food
10. Could be Park Lane, or Mayfair
11. A star cluster
12. Another star cluster
13. Oh look, there?s another star cluster!
14. Sounds like bloomers!
15. Christmas and birthdays give rise to these
16. ?Give us a ?, Anthea!? as Brucie might have said
17. Are you a ? case?
18. Sssh! Talk quietly!
19. Al fresco cuisine
20. In the mane, you?ll enjoy this one
21. Like toast, or autumn leaves, maybe
22. Sounds like a sadistic nut, this one
23. Munificence!
24. This chap?s ?fruit? has gone brown!!
25. No, actually it?s totally yellow!!
26. Serious bar, this, mainly for truckers
27. Half a flying machine? Could well be
28. This pub only sells cow juice
29. Passenger carrying vehicle, or maybe a club sandwich?
30. Mediterranean islanders
31. Clever little individuals, these
32. Gentle wave action
33. Beautiful lady from Istanbul
34. Up for discussion?
35. Superman, Spiderman and Batman are all these
1. After Eight
2. Mars Bar
3. Black Magic
4. Milk Tray
5. Matchmaker
6. Roses
7. Flake
8. Moonlight
9. KitKat ? (Kit E Kat)
10. Quality Street
11. Milky Way
12. Galaxy
13. Planets (made by Mars)
14. S(nicker)s
15. Celebrations
16. Twirl
17. ?Cadbury?s Fruit and Nut?
18. Wispa
19. Picnic
20. Lion bar
21. Crunchie
22. Walnut Whip!
23. Bounty
24. Terry?s Chocolate Orange
25. Terry?s All Gold
26. Yorkie
27. Aero (plane)
28. Milky Bar
29. Double Decker
30. Maltesers
31. Smarties
32. Ripple
33. Turkish Delight
34. Topic
35. Heroes