Mountains of the World Quiz 2

Posted in geography quizzes

1. What is the highest mountain in Africa?

2. Which mountains form the backbone of South America?

3. Where would you go to look at the Abominable Snowman?

4. Who wrote High Adventure, about a spectacular mountain climb?

5. On which mountain is it said Noah?s Ark came to rest?

6. Which is Britain?s highest mountain?

7. In which country is Togariro National park with its 3 volcanoes, including Mt. Ruapahu?

8. What is the second highest mountain in the world?

9. Who was with Sir Edmund Hilary when he first climbed Everest?

10. The official country retreat of the President of the USA, Camp David is in which mountains?


1. Mt. Kilimanjaro

2. Andes

3. Himalayas

4. Sir Edmund Hilary

5. Mt. Ararat

6. Ben Nevis

7. New Zealand

8. K2

9. Sherpa Tensing Norgay

10. Appalachians


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