African Capital Cities Quiz 1

Posted in geography quizzes

For one point each, give me the name of the African country that matches up to the Capital City?s name. Choose from the list of 20 possible names below. (obviously, five are incorrect) 

Many thanks to Greg Burns for this great quiz round.

LIST: Cote d'Ivoire, Kenya, Eritrea, Mozambique, Botswana, Senegal, Tanzania, Sierra Lyon, Egypt, Morocco, Burundi, South Africa, Ghana, Seychelles, Sudan, Chad, Angola, Uganda, Mail, Central African Republic  

    1. Luanda

    2. Gaborone

    3. Bujumbura

    4. N'Djamena

    5. Dodoma

    6. Cairo

    7. Yamoussoukro

    8. Bamako

    9. Accra

    10. Maputo

    11. Rabat

    12. Kampala

    13. Nairobi

    14. Victoria

    15. Freetown  


1. Angola

2. Botswana

3. Burundi

4. Chad

5. Tanzania

6. Egypt

7. Cote d'Ivoire

8 Mali

9. Ghana

10. Mozambique

11. Morocco

12. Uganda

13. Kenya

14. Seychelles

15. Sierra Lyon


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