German Quiz 1

Posted in german language quizzes

The following quiz was created by Jochen Borger from Passau, Germany. Thanks again Jochen, great job

1. Das Trikot welchen Vereins trug Ronaldo bei seinem Gastauftritt bei den Simpsons? 
    What kind of football shirt did Ronaldo wear during his appearance at the Simpsons called "Marge Gamer"?

2. Clarice Starling jagte Buffalo Bill mit der Hilfe von Dr. Hannibal Lecter. F?r wen arbeitete Clarice? 
    Which organisation has the motto, ?fidelity, bravery, integrity'?

3. Im Film "Der Unbeugsame" spielte Robert Redford den Roy Hobbs. In welcher Sportart war Roy Hobbs erfolgreich? 
    Which sport is featured in"A league of their own" ?

4. Was macht man normalerweise mit einer Mauser? 
    What would you do with a Lee Enfield?

5. Wer erschoss Mr. Burns? 
    Who shot Mr. Burns?

6. Im Animationsfilm Ice Age wird eine nicht ganz ernstzunehmende Variante gezeigt, warum welches Tier ausstarb? 
    What was seen in 1681 for the last time? ? and then killed by some spanish Conquistador !!

7. Was zeichnet die Splatter-Zeichentrickserie namens "Die Itchy-und-Scratchy-Show" aus? 
    Why are the popular Tom & Jerry cartoons the most criticised of cartoons?

8. Aus wessen Feder entsprangen Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple? 
    Who wrote the murder mystery 10 little Indians?

9. Wer ist im Simpsons-Film Pr?sident von Amerika? 
    Who is president of the United States in the Simpsons Movie?

10. Sellapan Rama Nathan ist das Staatsoberhaupt welchen Staates? 
    Which small country has the highest execution rate (in relation to population) in the world?


1. Brasilianisches Nationaltrikot / Football shirt of Brazil

2. f?r das FBI / The FBI

3. Baseball

4. Schie?en / Shoot It, It's A Gun

5. Maggie Simpson

6. Der Dodo / The Dodo

7. extreme Brutalit?t (tats?chlich aufbauend auf Tom & Jerry) / Because of their Violence

8. Agatha Christie

9. Arnie (Arnold) Schwarzenegger

10. Singapur / Singapore


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