1960s Quiz 3

Posted in history quizzes

1. What book, written in the 1920s was the subject of an obscenity trial when finally published in 1960?

2. The largest liner was launched in 1960 what was its name?

3. How did spurs player john white die in 1963?

4. Which UK channel started broadcasting in 1964?

5. Who first walked the streets in 1960?

6. What city was Martin Luther King killed in?

7. How die Rocky Marciano die in 1969?

8. Which London landmark was cleaned in 1968 for the first time since 1864?

9. What became Britain's tallest building in October 1965?

10. Who became Governor of California in 1966?


1. Lady Chatterley's Lover

2. SS France (Norway)

3. Struck by lightning

4. BBC2

5. Traffic Wardens

6. Memphis

7. Plane Crash

8. Nelson's Column

9. The Post Office Tower

10. Ronald Reagan


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