History Quiz 19

Posted in history quizzes

History1. Of which country was Idi Amin the president from 1971 to 1979?

2. Which ship was found abandoned in 1872, with warm meals still on the crew?s table?

3. What was first erected on the Place de Greve, Paris in 1792?

4. Calpurnia was the third wife of which roman emperor?

5. Which London prison did great train robber Ronald Biggs escape from in 1965?

6. How did Ellen Church make aviation history?

7. Olaf Palme was assassinated in 198Of which country was he Prime Minister?

8. Which famous animal has switched on the Blackpool illuminations?

9. What was George Washington's wife first name?

10. Which county did Huntingdonshire become part of in 1974?  

11. In 1962 Britain and France signed an agreement which led to co-operation in building what?

12. Which TV presenter set up the charity childline?

13. Where did Lindbergh's 'spirit of St. Louis' flight land?

14. What was introduced to the UK postal service in 1852?

15. Agent blue is a herbicide that was used against the Vietnamese. What type of poisonous compound does it contain?

16. What was the name of the Greenpeace ship sunk in New Zealand in 1985?

17. Which method of execution was first used in Carson City, Nevada in 1924?

18. What was unique about Diane Abbott, elected as MP for hackney north and Stoke Newington in 1987?

19. Louis XIV gave the Hope Diamond to whom?

20. What Roman Emperor ordered St. Peter?s crucifixion in 68 AD?


1. Uganda

2. Marie Celeste

3. Guillotine

4. Julius Caesar

5. Wandsworth

6. She was the first air hostess

7. Sweden

8. Red Rum

9. Martha

10. Cambridgeshire

11. Concorde

12. Esther Rantzen

13. Paris

14. Post boxes

15. Arsenic

16. Rainbow warrior

17. Gas chamber

18. She was the first black woman MP

19. Marie Antoinette

20. Nero


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