History Quiz 20
1. What was the Royal event of 1973?
2. What country has been the site of the most European battles?
3. What county's forces assisted in the overthrow of idi Amin in 1979?
4. In which country is Bhopal, site of a disaster in the 1980s
5. Who gave John F. Kennedy a dog named Pushinka?
6. What did Hermann Goering do 3 hours before he was due to be executed?
7. Which ministerial post was held by Barbara Castle from 1965 to 1968
8. What Mexican leader was shot dead in 1923?
9. Who was the first monarch to be addressed as ?Your Majesty??
10. What airline company owned the coach that was attacked by terrorists in London in 1978?
11. How did David kill Goliath?
12. Which European country remained neutral throughout the second world war despite the Germans bombing its capital city in May 1941 by accident?
13. In 1979 US President Jimmy Carter signed the SALT2 treaty in Vienna along with which Soviet Leader?
14. Which English king is credited with writing Greensleeves?
15. Which Earl tossed a coin with Sir Charles Bunbury to decide which of their names would be used for a horse race they'd started?
16. Which set of annual awards were first awarded in 1901?
17. What was Germany's largest battleship during World war II?
18. What was unusual about the Royal Mail 1st class stamp issued in October 1993?
1. Princess Anne's Wedding
2. Belgium
3. Tanzania's
4. India
5. Nikita Krushchev
6. He Committed Suicide
7. Minister of Transport
8. Pancho Villa
9. King Henry VIII
10. El Al
11. Stone from a sling
12. Ireland
13. Leonid Brezhnev
14. Henry VIII
15. Earl of Derby
16. Nobel Prizes
17. The Bismarck
18. It was self-adhesive