Nicknames Quiz 1

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1. Which American city is nicknamed “Mile High City”?

2. Which Italian city is nicknamed “The Bride of the Sea”?

3. What is the nickname for Santa Clara County in California, because of the chief occupation or business there?

4. Which Scottish city is nicknamed “Granite City”

5. Which Asian Capital City is known as “The Forbidden City”?

6. Which European Capital City is nicknamed “City of Light”?

7. What is the name given to the thick clouds that hang over the city of Edinburgh?

8. What is the nickname of Bruges in Belgium, due to the high number of canals?

9. Which fishing village and resort is known as “The St Tropez of the Algarve”?

10. Which sea within the Arctic Ocean is known as the great ice cellar?

11. What was the nickname of General Norman Schwarzkopf?

12. Which counties nickname is the ‘Garden of England’?

13. What was the nickname of the diminutive general Charles Sherwood Stratten?

14. What was the more well-known nickname of Arthur Marx?

15. What was American footballer William Perry’s nickname?

16. The following people all had nicknames, name them;
    a: King Richard I
    b: Cardinal Richleau
    c: Anne of Cleeves
    d: Ferenc Puskas
    e: Richard Burton
    f: Max Miller
    g: Noel Coward
    h: Dennis Skinner
    i: Soeur Sourire
    j: Thomas Edison
    k: Klaus Barbie

17. What was the nickname of anti British broadcaster William Joyce during World War II?

18. Who was nicknamed “Horrible Hana” by the British Press (Clue: tennis player)?

19. Which British newspaper is nicknamed 'The Thunderer'?

20. What was the fat boy’s nickname in ‘Lord Of the Flies’?


1. Denver

2. Venice

3. Silicon Valley

4. Aberdeen

5. Lhasa (Tibet)

6. Paris

7. Auld Reekie

8. Venice of the north

9. Albufeira

10. Kara Sea

11. Stormin' (Stormin' Norman)

12. Kent

13. Tom Thumb

14. Harpo

15. The fridge

16. Eleven Answers:
    a: The Lionheart
    b: The Red Emminence
    c: The Flanders Mare
    d: The Galloping Major
    e: The Voice
    f: The Cheeky Chappie
    g: The Master
    h: The Beast of Bolsover
    i: The Singing Nun
    j: The Wizard of Menlo Park
    k: The butcher of Lyon

17. Lord Haw Haw

18. Hana Manlikova

19. The Times

20. Piggy


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