Pauls Numbers Quiz 3
In each of the cases below, give the number that corresponds to the clue given:
1. Pounds most mothers lose when giving birth. Plus or minus 3
2. number of paintings Van Gogh sold in his lifetime.
3. unlucky number in China.
4. number of hours the average american spends in a month in a shopping mall. Plus or minus 2
5. number of times the ` average` Londoner has sex in a year . + or minus 10
6. dimensions in Einsteins space time contiuum.
7. players on a polo team.
8. film title. "The ___ feathers"
9. bones in the human body. Plus or minus 3.
10. one in how many Englishmen or women are called Smith. Plus or minus 10.
11. diameter of the largest known asteroid Ceres in miles. Plus or minus 100.
12. book title from T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia). The ___ pillars of wisdom.
13. cups of coffee the average Swede drinks a day, world record. Plus or minus 2.
14. how many hours would it take to listen to all of Beethoven's compositions. a: 60, b: 120 or c:660.
15. the number of baths Louis XIV took in his lifetime. a: 0, b: 3 or c: 9
1. 13
2. 1
3. 4
4. 12
5. 71
6. 4
7. 4
8. 4
9. 206
10. 61
11. 582
12. 7
13. 12
14. b: 120
15. b: 3