Famous People Quiz 3

Posted in people quizzes

1. Name the English mathematician who devised a mechanical calculating machine in 1834 which was the forerunner of modem computers.

2. With what do you associate the names of Mary Read and Anne Bonny, who lived during the eighteenth .century?

3. She was an English heroine who, with her father rescued the crew of the ship Forfarshire which was wrecked on the Fame Islands on the northeast coast of England in 1838. Who was she?

4. What was Casanova's occupation at the time of his death?

5. What was the name of the Hunchback of Notre Dame

6. Which broadcaster, who died in 1985, is most remembered for presenting Desert Island Discs?

7. Who was the leading Confederate General in the American Civil War who was accidentally shot by his own men at the Battle of Chancellorsville?

8. John Hurt achieved acclaim for his portrayal of a person labelled The Elephant Man. What was this man's real name?

9. Who was the South African financier of English descent who was the ruling spirit of the British South Africa Company? He had a country named after him.

10. The founder of a world-wide chain of department stores was born on 13 Apri 1852. Name him.

11. Whom did Mehmet Ali Aga attempt to assassinate on 13th May 1981?

12. Who, when handed the insignia of the Order of Merit on her deathbed, said, 'Too kind -too kind'?

13. Who was elected the first woman Lord Mayor of London in September 1983?

14. Which British Prime Minister worked as a research chemist in industry before becoming a Member of Parliament in 1959?


1. Charles Babbage

2. Piracy

3. Grace Darling

4. Librarian

5. Quasimodo

6. Roy Plomley

7. Thomas Stonewall Jackson

8. John Merrick

9. Cecil Rhodes

10. Frank Winfield Woolworth

11. Pope John Paul II

12. Florence Nightingale

13. Lady Donaldson

14. Margaret Thatcher


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