Famous People Quiz 4

Posted in people quizzes

1. Who was imprisoned in 1923 for trying to overthrow the Bavarian government?

2. Which Irish comedian?s real name is Tynian O?Malley?

3. Which MP takes his dog into the House of Commons?

4. Which movie superstar was born in 'UFO country' , Roswell, New Mexico?

5. Who became Doctor Who when John Pertwee went off to become a scarecrow?

6. Who did John Wilkes Boothe assassinate?

7. Who is chief designer with the fashion house Chloe?

8. Who joined Neil Armstrong on the moon?

9. Who liked his electric razor so much he bought the company?

10. Whose two fingered gesture earned a disqualification from the 1971 British Show Jumping Derby?

11. Who was known as ?The Hanging Judge??

12. What was Neil Armstrong?s first word spoken after the 1st manned lunar landing?

13. Who said that in the future everybody would be famous for 15 minutes?

14. In which county was Thomas Hardy born?

15. Who was Albert De Salvo better known as?

16. What do Bob Geldof, Ronald Reagan and Colin Powell have in common?

17. Who is credited with the invention of the hovercraft?

18. Who named the Victoria Falls?

19. Name the inventor of the miners safety lamp?

20. Who founded the Salvation Army?


1. Adolph Hitler

2. Dave Allen

3. David Blunkett

4. Demi Moore

5. Tom Baker

6. Abraham Lincoln

7. Stella Mccartney

8. Buzz Aldrin

9. Victor Kiam

10. Harvey Smith

11. Judge Jefferies

12. Houston

13. Andy Warhol

14. Dorset

15. The Boston Strangler

16. All have honoury knighthood?s

17. Christopher Cockerill

18. David Livingstone

19. Humphrey Davy

20. William Booth


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