John The First Quiz 1

Posted in people quizzes

The following quiz round was submitted by Graham White from the UK.  Many thanks Graham, great job!

1. Who was the first man named John to become president of the United States of America and also the first president to reside in the White House?

2. Who was the first man named John to go into space?

3. Who was the first man named John to win the BBC Sports Personality of the Year award as well as being the first John to win the F1 world championship title and a motor cycling world title?

4. Who was the first man named John to win a Best Actor Oscar (clue: it was in 1970)?

5. Who was the first man named John to present the kids television programme 'Blue Peter'?

6. In 1961 who became the first man named John (NOT Johnny or Johnnie) to top the UK singles chart?

7. Which British writer was in 1932 the first man named John to win the Noble Prize for Literature?

8. Who was the first man named John to become World Snooker Champion?

9. Who was the first man named John to hold the post of Poet Laureate in the UK in the twentieth century?

10. Who in 1497 was the first explorer named John to land in North America?


1. John Adams - 1797 to 1801.  John Quincy Adams was the 6th president

2. John Herschel Glenn - On February 20th 1962 in Friendship 7

3. John Surtees - BBC Sports Personality in 1959, F1 world champion in 1964, 500cc world champion in 1956, 1958, 1959 & 1960 and 350cc world champion in 1958, 1959 & 1960.  He also won the Isle of Man TT race in 1958, 1959 & 1960

4. John Wayne - For the film 'True Grit'

5. John Noakes - He joined the show in December 1965

6. John Leyton - With the single 'Johnny Remember Me'

7. John Galsworthy

8. John Pulman - In 1957.  Other men named John to win the title are John Spencer, John Parrott and John Higgins

9. John Masefield - In 1930.  John Betjeman held the post from 1972 to 1984

10. John Cabot - Giovanni Caboto in Italian


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