Science and Nature Quiz 11
1. Which incident gave fruit to a theory in late summer 1666?
2. Johannes Kepler (1571?1630) was a German mathematician and astronomer that introduced Kepler's laws. What did these laws describe?
3. Which is the only type of animal that if each and every one of them were eliminated from the face of the earth, sometime maybe months later they would exist again?
4. An atom of oxygen linked to an atom of hydrogen is the compulsory combination included in the formulae of which compounds?
5. What purpose do the following (human features) have in common: Skin, Tears, Sweat, Stomach Acids, Mucous Membranes and Inflammation of the skin?
6. What name is given to the physical disintegration of a nuclear reactor's core?
7. Animals can be classified by food type. E.g. Insectivores eat insects. In each of the following cases, indicate what the animal eats: a: Folivore, b: Granivore, c: Omnivore, d: Ophiophagy, e: Lepidophagy, f: Detritivore, g: Oophagy
8. The following are all examples of what: Nereid, Charon, Dione, Rhea, Mimas, Dactyl, Phobos and Deimos?
9. What type of bird is a Harlequin?
10. Periodic table: An element denoted by the symbol Hg was originally called hydrargyrum. How do we refer to this element now?
11. Brown Boobies, Bushtits, Ruddy Ducks, Bristle-thighed Curlews and Dark-rumped Petrels are all birds native to which continent?
12. Which temperature has the same value in both centigrade and Fahrenheit?
13. What is the common name for the cluster of seven stars called The Pleiades?
14. Back to school: What colour would litmus paper turn if you rubbed it on damp washing powder?
15. Which popular bird was named after what was wrongly thought to be its country of origin?
16. True or false: A typical American eats at twenty pigs-worth of pork in his or her lifetime?
17. Periodic table again: Spell the name of the element with atomic number 42, Mo.
18. Easy one this one: Which is the shortest of the human digits?
19. What is particularly prominent in a Proboscis Monkey?
20. What is the name given to the molten rock beneath the surface of the earth?
21. What is a Turkish Van?
22. Who gave his name to his invention the whirlpool bath?
1. The apple falling on Newton's head (probably in his Woolsthorpe Manor garden).
2. Planetary motion (motion of planets in the Solar System).
3. Cross breeds.
4. Alcohols (and Phenols).
5. To protect us against disease.
6. Meltdown.
7. a: Leaves, b: Seeds, c: both plants and animals, d: Snakes, e: fish scales, f: decomposing material, g: eggs
8. Moons of our solar system (perhaps there were too many in that list) (see http://paulsquiz.com/images/moons.jpg for a full list)
9. A duck.
10. Mercury (Am: Quicksilver) - (Latinized Greek: hydrargyrum, meaning watery or liquid silver).
11. North America (USA to be even more specific).
12. -40 degrees.
13. The seven sisters.
14. Blue (not to be confused with PH paper).
15. Turkey. They are native to the USA.
16. True.
17. Molybdenum - from the Greek word for the metal "lead".
18. Little toe... not little finger as I imagine many have chosen.
19. Its Nose.
20. Magma.
21. A cat breed.
22. (Candido) Jacuzzi.