War Films Quiz 3

Posted in television and movies quizzes

The following quiz was kindly donated by Jay Patrick. Many thanks Jay, great work. Jay would like the website http://www.dragonarttattoo.net mentioned on our site in return for his quiz inclusion.

Film Quiz1. Which 1963 film about Allied POWs starred James Garner and Steve McQueen?

2. Which 1981 Mel Gibson film was set in World War I?

3. Which anti Vietnam war activist starred in 'Coming Home'?

4. Which film about Arnhem was criticized as 'A film too long'?

5. Which Hollywood legend played Kurtz in 'Apocalypse Now'?

6. Which novel was 'Schindler's List' based on?

7. Which US singer played Von Ryan in 'Von Ryan's Express'?

8. Who directed 'Born on the Fourth of July'?

9. Who played Hawkeye and Trapper John in 'M*A*S*H'?

10. Who was the subject of the film 'The Desert Fox'?

11. Who won an Oscar as the Colonel in 'The Bridge on the River Kwai'?

12. Who won the Oscar for best actress in 1982 for 'Sophie's Choice'?

13. Who wrote the novel on which 'Where Eagles Dare' was based?

14. Whose cafe was a meeting place for war refugees in 'Casablanca'?

15. Whose heroes were Clint Eastwood and Telly Savalas in 1970?  


1. The Great Escape

2. Gallipoli

3. Jane Fonda

4. A Bridge Too Far

5. Marlon Brando

6. Schindler's Ark

7. Frank Sinatra

8. Oliver Stone

9. Donald Sutherland and Elliott Gould

10. Rommel

11. Alec Guinness

12. Meryl Streep

13. Alistair MacLean

14. Rick's Cafe

15. Kelly's Heroes


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