Pauls Quiz 185
1. Hypothetically, when did a Higgs boson first occur ?
2. What is an oriental Tagine or Tajine ?
a. casserole pot
b. water pipe
c. market place
d. steam bath
3. There were eight number one songs in either the US or UK charts in the 1980s with an animal in the title. Name four.
4. St. Francis of Assisi was the first person to exhibit signs of which phenomena ?
Clue, if needed, It can be holey.
5. A large southern island was once named after a Dutchman, then changed and named after another Dutchman. Name the double Dutchmen.
6. The capital of the biggest oil producing country in Africa is , on some lists at least, 'the most expensive city' in the world. Name the country and its capital city. (It is not Nigeria)
7. Which 'remote' 77 kg star (and a number one hit) in January 1963 ceased to be heard from one month later ?
8. "Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die" describes which battle in which war ?
9. Which three famous celebrities are mentioned in Nina Simones song 'My Baby Just Cares For Me' ?
Clue, if needed: . "...... 1 ....... is not his style and even ..... 2....... smile" "and even ....3.... smile"
10. In the song 'Where do you go to my lovely`, what is the name of the girl and in which city did she spend her poverty stricken childhood ?
1. A split second after the big bang. (shortly after is acceptable)
2. a. casserole pot A tajine or tagine is a type of dish found in the North African cuisines of Morocco, which is named after the special pot in which it is cooked. The traditional tajine pot is formed entirely of a heavy clay which is sometimes painted or glazed. It consists of two parts; a base unit which is flat and circular with low sides, and a large cone or dome-shaped cover that rests inside the base during cooking. The cover is so designed to promote the return of all condensation to the bottom. With the cover removed, the base can be taken to the table for serving. Recently, European manufacturers have created tajines with heavy cast iron bottoms that can be fired on a stovetop at high heat. This permits browning meat and vegetables before cooking. While the similar Dutch oven and Sač spell (sach) (a cast iron pot with a tight cover) braises most efficiently in the oven, the tajine braises best on the stovetop.
3. Eight Answers
When Doves Cry,
The Lion Sleeps Tonight,
Eye Of The Tiger,
Baby I Love Your Way-Free Bird Medley,
The Chicken Song,
Karma Chameleon
4. Stigma or stigmata Stigmata are bodily marks, sores, or sensations of pain in locations corresponding to the crucifixion wounds of Jesus. The term originates from the line at the end of Saint Paul's Letter to the Galatians where he says, "I bear on my body the marks of Jesus," stigmata is the plural of the Greek word stigma meaning a mark or brand such as might have been used for identification of an animal or slave. An individual bearing stigmata is referred to as a stigmatic. The first well-documented case and the first to be accepted by Church authorities as authentic, was that of Saint Francis of Assisi (1182?1226), who first experienced stigmata in La Verna, Italy, in 1224. In the century after the death of St. Francis, more than twenty additional cases of stigmata were reported. Stigmata have continued to be reported since, with over three hundred cases by the end.
5. Van Dieman and Abel Tasman.
Tasmania was once called Van Dieman's Land
6. Angola, Luanda.
7. The original Telstar communications satellite. It probably ceased to transmit end of February 1963 due to radiation from US atomic tests.
The Tornados had a number one hit in the US with 'Telstar'.
Tele means 'remote'.
8. The Charge of The Light Brigade in The Crimean War. (battle of Balaklava)
From the poem The Charge of The Light Brigade from Alfred Lord Tennyson.
9. "Liz Taylor is not his style and even Lana Turners smile"
"and even Liberaces smile"
10. Marie Claire, Naples. (I remember the back streets of Naples, Two children begging in rags)"Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)" is a 1969 song by Peter Sarstedt. It was a #1 hit in the UK charts for six weeks in 1969 and was awarded the 1969 Ivor Novello Award, together with David Bowie's "Space Oddity". The song is about a girl named Marie-Claire from the "back streets of Naples" who grows up to become a member of the jet set, and lives in Paris. The lyrics describe her from the perspective of a childhood friend; it is left unclear whether they have remained close. The rhetorical question of the title suggests that her glamorous lifestyle may not have brought Marie-Claire happiness or contentment.