9th February Quiz

Posted in calendar quizzes

The following quiz questions were submitted by Perry Bartlett. Perry runs a quiz night at Floyd's Bar, Cerro Branco, Albufeira in Portugal every Saturday & Wednesday night at 10pm. Many thanks Perry.

1. Joanne Woodward received the first ever star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame today in 1960, who is her husband?

2. 51 today (2008), which football club does Gordon Strachan manage?

3. Bill Haley died today in 1981, what was the name of his backing group?

4. The Davis Cup was established today in 1900, in which sport is it played for?

5. Actor Brian Mosley died today in 1999, which part did he play in Coronation Street for nearly 30 years?

6. Which band made their first appearance to 73 million viewers on The Ed Sullivan Show today in 1964?

7. Carmen Miranda was born today in 1909, but in which country?

8. 48 today (2008), who was the singer with ?Frankie goes to Hollywood??

9. The father of cheap airline travel died today in 2006, who was he?

10. How old is Mia Farrow today (2008)?


1. Paul Newman

2. Celtic

3. His Comets

4. Tennis

5. Alf Roberts

6. The Beatles

7. Portugal

8. Holly Johnson

9. Freddy Laker

10. 62


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