Missing Links Quiz 2

Posted in other trivia quizzes

1. Who died on 5th May 1821 after being exiled to St Helena?

2. What name was given to the uprising in China in 1900?

3. Which athlete won 107 consecutive races between 1977 and 1987?

4. What do you call a round mass of snow?

5. Link ? What is the link in the previous four answers?

6. Which well-known TV show used puppets created by Fluck and Law?

7. What name is given to the southernmost tip of South Africa?

8. Which was the 2nd British top 10 hit for the Bangles?

9. Which famous American was assassinated on 4th April 1968?

10. Link ? What is the link in the previous four answers?

11. What is the Standard Unit of Energy? (The Calorie, The Joule, The Electron, The Volt, The Mars)

12. What is the unit of currency of the former Yugoslavia, Iraq, Jordan amongst others?

13. TV, which girl is a vampire slayer?

14. What is the name given to the prize money for a boxing tournament?

15. Which computer games manufacture the computer game of Pokemon?

16. In which series of films did Burgess Meredith play a trainer?

17. Which title can be a type of feathers and a type of check?

18. What was the first name of the actor who played the father in the film Kramer vs Kramer?

19. What was the first name of the singer who entered Eurovision in 1959 with her partner Teddie Johnson with the song Sing Little Birdie?

20. Link ? what is the link in the last nine answers?  


1. Napoleon

2. Boxer Rebellion

3. Ed Moses

4. Snowball

5. Link ? Characters from Animal farm, by George Orwell

6. Spitting image

7. Cape Aghula

8. Walk like an Egyptian

9. Martin Luther King

10. Link ? all types of cobras

11. Joule (Dynamite Truck)

12. Dinah (Dining Car)

13. Buffy (Buffet car)

14. Purse (Money truck)

15. Nintendo (Japanese Car)

16. Rocky (Box Car)

17. Prince of Wales (British Train)

18. Dustin (Hoffman) (Aggregate Hopper)

19. Pearl (Carr) (Observation Car)

20. Link ? Starlight Express Trains


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