Houses of the Rich and Famous Quiz 1

Posted in other trivia quizzes

The following quiz round was submitted by Mark McCloy from Bath in the UK. Many thanks Mark, a bit of something different

Which house do you associate with these famous people or who lived at these famous houses

1. The Duke of Marlborough

2. Lord Tavistock

3. Clarence House

4. Gatcombe Park

5. Haworth Parsonage

6. Elvis Presley

7. The Astors

8. Rillington place

9. Prince Charles

10. Apsley House  


1. Blenhiem Palace

2. Woburn

3. Queen Mother

4. Princess Anne

5. The Bronte Family

6. Graceland

7. Clivedon

8. John Christie

9. Highgrove

10. Duke of Wellington


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